The (Surprising) Power of Process

Most entrepreneurs and leaders are either ambivalent about process or downright opposed to it. We are determined to change that by igniting people’s passion for process.
Clear the Fog – Strengthen Your Data Component

If you take these three steps to strengthen your data component, you’ll find that your business will become more peaceful, more profitable, and ultimately more fun.
The Time Is NOW for Process!

If you’ve been reading the Process! blog series authored by Lisa González and me, you’ve seen we’ve worked hard to help you adjust your mindset and commit fully to the journey ahead. We’ve also walked you through the use of two EOS Tools designed to strengthen your business’s Process Component™. Now it’s time to “get cracka-lackin’,” as my lovely wife Kate would say.So, to conclude this blog series, here’s a high-level, step-by-step summary of the, um, Process! process – from start to finish
Great Leaders And Managers Solve Issues

If you want to achieve your company’s vision, make sure you’re surrounded by leaders and managers committed to solving issues.
90-Day World

Instead of giving up on your goals every year, master the “90-Day World™” and you’ll stay focused, get better results, and achieve your vision.
Are Your WFH Employees Effective And Accountable?

Even if an employee is working from home (WFH) there’s a simple way to determine if they’re highly accountable. Learn from Mike Paton.
Is That Really a Rock?

Rocks are just priorities — the 3 to 7 most important things you must accomplish in the next ninety days. Company rocks are priorities for the company, departmental rocks are priorities for your department, and individual rocks are priorities for you or another individual. As simple as that sounds, it’s easy to overcomplicate rocks.
There is no magic formula for what constitutes a rock — it’s simply a priority that will take longer than 7 days (those action items are To-Dos) and up to ninety days to complete.
Here are a few questions I get asked often in sessions, with corresponding answers.
EOS Graduation: Achieve Your Independence!

in·de·pend·ence (noun): not dependent; strong and able to survive on one’s own. When embarking on a journey to implement EOS, the goal is to regain control of your business. That happens when you become strong in the Six Key Components™. At that point, you’ve got a clear vision, great people, and are executing with confidence. […]
Grow or Die?

“When faced with a radical crisis, when the old way of being in the world, of interacting with each other and with the realm of nature doesn’t work anymore, when survival is threatened by seemingly insurmountable problems, an individual life-form — or a species — will either die or become extinct or rise above the […]
How to Run an Effective Meeting

Why do so many people HATE business meetings? In talking to thousands of entrepreneurial leaders over the last 20 years, I’ve heard words and phrases like “endless, pointless, exhausting, inefficient, unproductive, etc.” In short, most meetings are a frustrating waste of valuable time. But with a Level 10 Meeting™, you’ll be introduced to world-class, rock-solid […]