EOS Graduation: Achieve Your Independence!

EOS Graduation: achieve independence in your business

in·de·pend·ence (noun): not dependent; strong and able to survive on one’s own.

When embarking on a journey to implement EOS, the goal is to regain control of your business.

That happens when you become strong in the Six Key Components™.  At that point, you’ve got a clear vision, great people, and are executing with confidence. You can now reconnect with your passion, enjoy going to work most days, and feel like you’re running the company, rather than it running you. After all, the IDEAS of entrepreneurship and independence go hand in hand – even if the reality often does not.

To date, more than 9,000 entrepreneurs around the world have chosen a Professional EOS Implementer® — an expert guide to help them along on this journey. To some, that seems like an odd choice — because the idea of relying on someone other than themselves seems anything but independent.

What they (and you) should know, however, is that every single member of our Professional EOS Implementer Community™ also wants their clients to achieve independence. It’s baked into the EOS Process® as something we call “graduation.”

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What is “Graduation?”

A company running on EOS with the aid of a Professional EOS Implementer “graduates” when three things are true:

On average, it takes about two years to achieve these milestones.

Often your EOS Implementer will notice the progress you’re making and add “graduation” to your Issues List. And when it happens, an EOS Implementer CELEBRATES your graduation.

We’ll help you prepare, support you as you take the reins, and be there for you if you need help. But we’re thrilled to see our clients “master” EOS to regain control of their business. And, quite frankly, we’re also excited about the chance to go help another entrepreneur get what she wants from her business.

Truth be told, not all clients graduate in two years – some stay much longer. If you need our help for more than two years – even forever – just ask. We’ll be there as long as we’re able to add value. But that’s the exception, not at all the rule.

Because, like you, an EOS Implementer’s goal is your INDEPENDENCE – strong in the Six Key Components, using the EOS Tools to create a clear, shared vision, execute on it with discipline and accountability, and work together – on your own – as a healthier team.

Next Steps:


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