Are You Tough Enough to Build a Strong Leadership Team?

Leadership team meeting

Leadership team meeting

Over the last 10 years, I’ve helped more than one hundred leadership teams implement the Entrepreneurial Operating System® in their companies. These entrepreneurs and teams all came to me for one simple reason – they weren’t getting what they wanted from their businesses. In our journey to clarify, simplify and achieve a company’s Vision, I’ve found that 80 percent of the time, one or more people change on the leadership team within the first two years.

This means that if you’re feeling a little (or a lot) frustrated about your business and you want to make it great – the makeup of your leadership team may be one of the key reasons you’ve “hit the ceiling.” In fact, four times out of five – if you want to achieve your Vision – the makeup of your current leadership team isn’t the one you’ll end up with.

Be Prepared for Change

Half of the time, the change is removing one or more people from your team, and the other half of the time, it’s adding one or more. Incidentally, a handful of my clients have completely replaced everyone on their team over time.

The point is this: If you’re truly going to commit to building a great company, you must build a strong leadership team. We do this by creating the right structure for your leadership team, and filling each seat on that team with the right people in the right seats. Ultimately we do that for the whole organization, but we start with the leadership team because it’s essential.

This process can be scary and emotional. Because this involves people who have been instrumental in helping your business grow and prosper – it’s not easy. But it’s worth it, and it’s nearly inevitable as a business grows, its needs change, and as your people change. You may be one of the fortunate 20 percent of cases where there is no change, but you must be prepared for change.

Take It One Step at a Time

Think about your current team. Do you have the right structure to take your company where you want it to go? Are the roles in everyone’s seat clearly defined, so everyone is crystal clear on what’s expected? Is everyone on your team a “right person” (do they fit your core values)? Is each team member in the right seat (does he or she get, want, and have the capacity to do that job)?

If you answered “no” to any of the above questions, it’s time to act. Not haphazardly or recklessly. Just start to put in place a methodical, step-by-step plan, making one great people move per quarter.

Then take it one step at a time. Within two short years (and hopefully much sooner), you will have a strong leadership team in place.

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