Five Steps to Achieving Organizational Accountability


In the last four years, I’ve asked several hundred leaders from nearly 100 entrepreneurial companies to rate the level of “Organizational Accountability” in their companies from 1-10, with 10 being best. The average response?


Organizational Accountability is elusive.

Even very good leaders struggle to create and maintain a culture in which people from throughout their organizations routinely do what they say, own their failures and work hard to learn from those mistakes. To have any hope of succeeding, you must follow five critical disciplines:

  • Pick the right priorities
  • Be crystal clear about what must get done
  • Communicate clearly to stay on-track
  • Measure success (and failure) honestly
  • Expect excellence

I’ll be sharing more about these five disciplines in subsequent posts.

For now – please chime in about the level of accountability in your own company by posting a comment below.

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